
Friday, August 9, 2013

Homeschooling Jr. High

I have two kids in Jr. High level this year.  Since everyone does unit studies together and then does subjects like Math, English, and Reading on their own, Jr. High has looked very similar to Elementary schooling other than the levels at which they are learning.

Our family spends much time reading together and in discussion about what we are reading as well as about current events.  Our reading materials vary and range in topics; we've enjoyed history, economics, historical fiction, various cultural and religious books etc.  As our older kids get older we've enjoyed seeing the dynamics of this time change as the kids are better able to begin to process and think through these things on their own.

Educationally we use this time to identify holes/gaps and strengths/weaknesses so that we can better prepare them for entering High School level studies.

This is a great time of maturing Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically.  Homeschooling allows us to help our children through this time in a safe environment, giving the input they most need (wisdom from their elders instead of foolishness of peer groups).  As with our younger kids their relationship with Christ is our first focus (at least this is what we strive for—we are not perfect though). Everything else seems to fall into place when our focus is on HIM.

*A note on holes and gaps.  Every form of education (public, private, or home) will have holes or gaps.  Our goal is to raise us life long learners.  Those holes and gaps will not matter so much if they love to learn and are capable of independent learning.

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