Sometimes in the business of life the first thing that we let go is the most important thing we can do to take care of ourselves. That is time with God; time in prayer, and time in His word. All Isaiah 55 reminds us of God's faithfulness, but verse 11 is especially relevant here
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
When we spend time in God's word and praying (talking to Him), he is faithful to work in us. His word does not come back void!

It is hard to find that time though when the baby wakes us early, the kids need our attention, everyone needs to be fed, there is laundry to be done and food to cook. With the seasons of our lives our time with God may look different too.
Right now I've got a 3 month old baby, and 6 other kids. We just moved to a new state, and I'm trying to get our lives back in order from that. My time with God consists of our family Bible reading, scripture memorization and prayers with my children and as a family, a monthly Bible study (and the prep for it), and constant prayers said through out the day. God is faithful to work in me through these times. As we settle in I hope to get back to keeping a prayer journal and going through a book of the Bible and keeping a journal of what I'm reading/learning.
As I work with my children if I'm picking verses for them to learn (often my husband is picking verses for them) I try to pick verses that apply to things going on in our lives or character traites the child is needing to work on. Since it is my child and he/she learns from me, chances are that whatever character trait they need to work on, I need to work on too! Isn't it great how God uses our children to teach us?
What do you do to keep in God's word?
I'm linking to Making your home sing Monday

Thanks for the reminder. I need to work on that. I am a fellow momys that found your blog. I have been enjoying watching your family grow and your words of encouragement and advice. Keep it up. Stacy momys w/6
ReplyDeleteStacy- I'm so glad you are enjoying my blog and that it is a blessing to you! I wrote this post as much to remind myself as to encourage others. It can be so hard to find the time, so I'm always working on this one.